How to ruin Valentines weekend

Morning all. Right, a good way to ruin Valentines weekend is to forget that your wife has a night out the day before, and come home from work too late for her to go out. But then the day was Friday the 13th!

Then, go to work on Valentine's day, and come back home in a miserable mood. Oh, and forget to get her something for the day. Well, I am at work, and am hoping to get back home in a good mood so that I can make up for ruining what was meant to be an enjoyable night out for her yesterday.

Oh well, I guess I will need to find something to put a smile on my face.

A young woman is lying on her death bed hopelessy close to her end, her husband enters the room and gently cups her hand to comfort her.

The woman musters her remaining strength and gently whispers "darling i must come clean with you".

The man hushes her, telling her to save her strength.

She continues anyway telling him that she hasn't been entirely faithful to him and informs him of her multiple affairs with his brother, father, sister and uncle.

The man replies "I know darling, why the f-c- do you think i poisoned you?"

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